In order to issue an advance invoice you need to first issue an estimate. Go to Income > Estimate preview the estimate and then click Create Advance Invoice
Go to Settings > Online Payments in order to configure your online payments. After initialisation a Pay Now button will appear on your invoices allowing credit card and bank account payments to be made.
Go to Settings > Online Payments initialise and chose your method. After this access your Products database and verify your products that you wish to sell online.
Go to Settings > Account Settings and check Warehouse Management after this feature is activated you will find a Warehouse Documents button in the Products menu. This feature is only available from the Professional plan upwards.
Go to Warehouse > Warehouse Documents > Add New Document and select Acceptance of Goods (AG). Then go to Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > Products > Automatic Generation of Acceptance Documents then select Generate an Acceptance of Goods (AG ) on the Cost Invoice
In order to issue the stock-take form, go to Warehouse > Warehouse Documents > add New Document select Stocktaking. The form will be correct at the time it was created.